
Join the movement to reject religious extremism at the European Court of Human Rights

We need your help! Please sign this petition to help prevent religious extremism from infiltrating the European Court of Human Rights (EctHR).

The Council of Europe is currently in the process of electing a replacement for the Polish and Belgian judges at the ECtHR, as they will soon reach the end of their 9-year terms.

Strajk kobiet

One of Poland’s candidates – Aleksander Stępkowski – is deeply problematic. Mr. Stępkowski is an extremist Catholic who has played a significant part in the anti-abortion, anti-LGBTI+ backlash in Poland: he is the founder of Ordo Iuris, an ultra-conservative organization masquerading as a legal thinktank, which was behind the bill to criminalize abortions in Poland and the creation of a network of “LGBTI+-free zones”. His placement as a judge would be disastrous.

On Friday, 9 April 2021, a Judicial Selection Committee at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will be voting on their preferred candidate for the position. Humanists International has been working with a group of NGO allies behind the scenes to alert members of the Committee to the damage that would be caused by Mr. Stępkowski’s election.

We urge you to add your voice to this this petition calling for Mr. Stępkowski’s nomination to be rejected. By doing so, you help convey the message that humanists across Europe are opposed to religious extremism infiltrating and radicalising our institutions at the highest levels.

Best wishes,
Lillie Ashworth
Advocacy Officer

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