AC/DC verzus Foo Fighters.
Pamätáte sa na slávnu pesničku Let There Be Rock od hard rockovej skupiny AC/DC?
Začína slovami: In the beginning.
Na počiatku.
Let there be sound, and there was sound
Let there be light, and there was light
Let there be drums, there was drums
Let there be guitar, there was guitar
Oh, let there be rock!
Nech je zvuk, a bol zvuk
Nech je svetlo, a bolo svetlo
Nech sú bubny, a boli bubny
Nech je gitara, a bola gitara
Ach, nech je tu rock!
Túto skladbu si podala aj skupina Foo Fighters. Zhostila sa tejto úlohy dobre?
Uverejnil: Ján Parada.
Jedna odpoveď na “Súboj titanov (80)”
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